Hatchery of Agro Rybia Farma
Aquaculture ID has designed and constructed the hatchery for a annual production of 1000 MT
African catfish
700.000 fingerlings
Aquaculture ID has designed and constructed the hatchery for a annual production of 1000 MT
In Dubai we have constructed a 250 MT Tilapia RAS grow out and corresponding hatchery
Aquaculture ID provided the total design for this 100 MT Tilapia grow out farm in the Dominican Republic.
We have designed and constructed this African catfish hatchery for the Rwanda Aquaculture Board.
A 200 MT African catfish semi flow through farm was designed and constructed in Congo DRC.
In the Ukraine we have constructed a tilapia RAS system with an annual production of 40 MT.
We have designed and constructed an African catfish hatchery and a tilapia hatchery at one location.
The aquaculture project for Bioenergie Lüchow consisted out of 300 MT RAS production facility.
We have designed and constructed the tilapia RAS grow out fish farm for the Urban Farmers in The Hague.
In 2010 we built one of the first and largest RAS tilapia hatchery in Ghana.
If you have any questions or would like to request an invoice, just send us an email! Or contact us via the following phone number: